Tuesday, July 29, 2014

First day of school

I can't believe I have a 2nd grader and a 6th grader! I don't know where the time went. One day I was rocking a babies in my arms, I blinked and they aren't my babies anymore.  They are 7 and 11 years old. Oh my...

Anyway. Today was the first day of school. Everything went really well. They both love their teachers and can't wait to go back tomorrow. That's always a great sign!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Kicks

Yesterday my mom, aka Nana, came up to hang out with the boys and me. She took us out to dinner, we hit a couple of stores and bought the kids some new shoes for school. And of course we laughed and giggled. The boys had to show her how much "man" hair they have on their arms and they serenaded us through out the stores. They sing all the time. Everywhere we go. Loudly. And they dance. It's quite entertaining!
Thanks for a fun afternoon Nana! And thanks for their new shoes, they are going to look awesome on their first day of school thanks to you.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Yoda ears, a new stripe and wet noses

All in a days work...

We went to the library for some cool Star Wars crafts. Miss Anna knows her Star Wars stuff and has impressed the boys many times.   A Jedi Master, she is!
We also completed the summer reading program. They were awarded a certificate, a brand spanking new book and a chance to win an awesome prize.

Then we headed to Jiu Jitsu and Nathan earned another stripe on his belt. The next time he ranks up he'll earn a new gray/white belt. He's pretty excited!

Last but not least, we headed back to the library for some snuggle time with some pretty cool pups. This is Titan. He's a 2yr old doberman pincher who loves kisses and his mommy. Who doesn't love wet noses and puppy love?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Floating down the river

We went canoeing the other day with Brian's brother Joe and his family. The weather was perfect and we had an amazing time.

I would go canoeing everyday if I could. And I think the boys would too. Brian said once a year is good for him. I don't know what he's complaining about. I'm the one that was in a canoe with a 7yr old. Brandon didn't really paddle that much. Nathan did almost decapitate him and Brian by running into a fallen tree, but at least Nathan could paddle. Who needs a head anyway? 

Joe and Lauren hit a rock and tipped their canoe over. They were only in a foot of water though, so no one was hurt. Brian helped them dump the water out then we were on our way. 
I love floating down the river without a care in the world. Unless I see a snake, then that's another story.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fun times

I love the 4th of July! It's probably my favorite holiday. I love the fireworks, cookouts, family fun, and the fireworks. Oh, did I say fireworks already? Fireworks make me so happy! Samson, our 100lb sissy dog, doesn't like fireworks. He tries to curl up as close as he can to me or Brian and shakes like a chihuahua. It's pretty pitiful. His name doesn't fit him, but we love him anyway.
The boys spent the 4th with my parents this year.  They swam, let off fireworks, had a cookout, went to the play ground, swam some more, went for a bike ride, and I'm pretty sure they had way too much junk food. And they came home to me worn out. Exhausted beyond words and ready to do it all over again!

While they were having fun in the sun, I enjoyed some time alone. I grabbed my book, a beer and sat my butt in front of the fire pit until it got too dark to read. Then I sat back at watched the neighbors set off some really good fireworks until Brian got home. I'm ready to do that all over again too!