Saturday, November 7, 2015

The mountains are calling

I love the mountains. I love the smells, sounds, the feel of the crisp air. It's heaven on earth. The boys always have a blast when we go hiking. Brandon skips from rock to rock, Nathan loves to explore every nook and cranny, Brian and I enjoy the quiet and watching the kids enjoy the outdoors. This year we found a cemetery from the late 1800's and the remnants of a cabin with a stone fence zigzagging through the forest. Every time we have taken a trip to the mountains someone has fallen while hiking. The first year Nathan slipped and face planted in the creek, the second time my dad lost his balance while crossing a creek and fell. My mom and I were laughing before he even hit the ground. And this year Brandon didn't technically fall but he dipped his foot in the river while Brian was trying to help him jump from rock to rock. It's probably a good thing we haven't been hiking up a mountain but rather just staying on flat ground. We are a tad bit clumsy in this family!

Monday, September 14, 2015


These are my two most favorite kiddos in the entire world. They make me laugh every single day. They fill my heart to the brim with love and joy. I never thought being a mom would be this great. I'm thankful for their goofy little butts. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Strummin' and Flippin'

Brandon started guitar lessons a couple of weeks ago. He cannot keep his little fingers off of it. He is constantly in his room practicing cords and learning how to read music. He's going to be a huge star, I just know it! :)

Last week Nathan was the only kid to show up for his Jiu Jitsu class. So he got a private lesson. He learned a few new tricks, got to roll with some of the adults and almost made a grown man cry. Just joking, he didn't almost cry but he was pretty upset that a 12 yr old made him tap out. The guy Nathan is throwing in the picture was a guest of one of he instructors. He was so great. He let Nathan throw him over and over and over again. It's always great to have a fresh set of eyes to give some good pointers and a new body to toss.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I love my boys

 The first day of school is always a great day full of mixed emotions. The boys are excited and nervous. They are full of energy and humor and then I'm over there a hot mess of crazy.

I love watching them grow up. I love watching them grow into little men. They are funny and caring, compassionate and loving. They try my patience every day but then turn around and do something that makes me want to hug them harder than ever.

I'm proud of them and all they do. I'm proud that I can say I trust them and the choices they make. I know they will stumble but I know they will learn from their mistakes and grow into someone even better than I could ever imagine.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Walking tall

Papaw decided to make some stilts for the boys....

To say they love them is a huge understatement. They have played on those things every night. I think they have a promising future as the tall guy in the circus!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Spring was here for about a week and now it's back to the chilly weather. Baseball practice was cancelled twice this week due to the rain, wind and cold temps. The weekend isn't looking much better for the opening day parade and games. A certain 8yr old isn't too pleased. Plus he caught a cold. Currently he is wrapped in a blanket watching Looney Toons on tv.

Nathan just earned his gray belt in Jiu Jitsu. He was pretty excited about that.
Nathan is gearing up for the next school year, he's going to be in middle school. The middle school counselors have given the kids the low down on what they should expect next year and let them know what type of classes they'll be able to take. The little smarty pants will be in honors English and Advanced Pre-Algebra 1. Plus he'll start Pep Band and can't wait for that.

Brian and I were able to get away for a few days over the kids spring break. He surprised me with a trip to Vegas. It was my first trip away from the kids! But I think I did pretty well. I only called them once (sometimes twice) a day and there were no tears. I think I had a harder time taking the dogs to the kennel than leaving the kids with my parents. I'm not sure what to think about that.
Brian and I had a great time hanging out together, though. I sure do love that man of mine!

Friday, March 20, 2015

Ready for Spring

We are ready for spring! Baseball is starting, Jiu Jitsu is still going strong and warm weather keeps teasing us. We are ready to play outside without freezing, ride on our bikes around the neighborhood, and smelling the flowers.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Going for Gold

Last weekend Nathan and a group of his classmates participated in a Solo & Ensemble contest. They had been practicing for a couple of months and all their hard work paid off. They sounded absolutely wonderful. If they were nervous you couldn't tell it. They warmed up, goofed off, played their music for the judge, goofed off, found out their score, goofed off, got their medal and goofed off some more. They were there to have fun, kick butt and take home the gold. Which is exactly what they did.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Even the moon was smiling

Brandon is 8yrs old! 8 years old. 8.

And how to you celebrate being 8 years old? By making a Kit Kat cake topped with mini M&M's. A chocolate cake with whipped cream icing smothered in candy. Holy cow was that one sweet treat!

Nathan was just as excited as Brandon. Nathan spent his own money on Brandon's birthday gift. Brandon really wanted a watch that was not digital. You know, since he was turning 8 years old, he needed a big kid watch. So, Nathan went shopping and found a really cool Superman watch for his little bro.

 Brandon had a pretty awesome day. He felt special and loved and that's all I can ask.
Later that night I stepped outside to look at the moon and it was smiling. I grabbed the kids and told Brandon that the moon was even happy it was his birthday. A huge orange crescent moon was smiling in the sky. We all thought that was the perfect end to a special day.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Super Hero Love

A few weeks ago we went to see Marvel Universe Live. Captain America, Iron Man, Thor and all the good guys were trying to save the world from Loki, Red Skull and the other bad guys from doing crazy things. It was pretty cool. We love our super heroes!! So much so that we woke up at 7am to be there at 9am! That's love, true love!

After the show, we came home, ate lunch and took a nap. Watching others save the world totally wiped up out.