Spring was here for about a week and now it's back to the chilly weather. Baseball practice was cancelled twice this week due to the rain, wind and cold temps. The weekend isn't looking much better for the opening day parade and games. A certain 8yr old isn't too pleased. Plus he caught a cold. Currently he is wrapped in a blanket watching Looney Toons on tv.
Nathan just earned his gray belt in Jiu Jitsu. He was pretty excited about that.
Nathan is gearing up for the next school year, he's going to be in middle school. The middle school counselors have given the kids the low down on what they should expect next year and let them know what type of classes they'll be able to take. The little smarty pants will be in honors English and Advanced Pre-Algebra 1. Plus he'll start Pep Band and can't wait for that.
Brian and I were able to get away for a few days over the kids spring break. He surprised me with a trip to Vegas. It was my first trip away from the kids! But I think I did pretty well. I only called them once (sometimes twice) a day and there were no tears. I think I had a harder time taking the dogs to the kennel than leaving the kids with my parents. I'm not sure what to think about that.
Brian and I had a great time hanging out together, though. I sure do love that man of mine!