Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What did you say?

Some funny things the kids say.
Every morning Brandon likes to greet me with "Hi Boobies!"
Nathan likes to make up his own words to songs. His version of Jingle Bells goes something like this... "jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way. Oh what fun it is to ride a one more frufrin sleigh."
When Nathan was 3yrs old instead of saying Good Job, he would say "Good Boj." And now Brandon is starting to say it the same way.
Last weekend we were watching "The Mummy 2" with Nathan. When he saw the mummy for the first time he said "he looks like a skeleton with a little mummy in him!"
And when Brandon sees anything scary he will wiggle his fingers at it and say "oooooooo!"
Every time Brandon sees Mickey Mouse he starts singing "Hot dog, Hot dog." (For those of you who don't watch The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that's part of their theme song.)
Nathan calls Brian's cigars "smokers" and Brandon calls them "hot dogs."
After two months of me working with Brandon, he will now call Brian "Daddy Po-Po" when Brian puts on his police uniform.
Nathan gets some letters in words mixed up too. Hospital is hostipal, medicine is mecidine and magazine is mazagine.
The only bad thing about the kids saying things funny is Brian and I starting saying them too.

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