Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy, Happy New Year

 Happy New Year!!
We are ending 2014 on a really great note. Nathan turned 12 yrs old this month, which doesn't seem possible but he assures me it is. He decided to have a mint chocolate chip brownie ice cream cake for his birthday. He even helped make it, so it was extra delicious!  He also got more gifts than he knows what to do with, thanks to awesome friends and family. But he was also responsible and put some of his money in the bank. He's a pretty wise little fellow.

This year my parents decided to have an ugly sweater contest on Christmas Eve. Brandon was the big winner of the night. He picked a girls sweater, decorated it himself and even made a headband of holly. He went all out!
Nathan's sweater was pretty ugly too. His was straight out of the 70's and he decided to attach pop-pop ta-ta's. I told him that's why he didn't win, he was too inappropriate. He just smiled and said it was still funny. What a goof!


Christmas was really nice. The boys were very happy with all their gifts. We have been playing tons of board games every night. But I believe spending time with family and friends for the entire week of Christmas was our favorite thing. We got to see some movies, eat out, play games and just hang out with everyone. You can't beat time spent with loved ones!!

Tonight the boys and I are just going to hang out at home and wait for Brian to get off work. Maybe watch a movie and eat some junk food, play a game or two. Once Brian gets home, we'll watch the ball drop and bring in the New Year together.
Happy New Year!!! I hope it's a great one!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Lookin' good boys

This week Nathan had his first band concert, and it was wonderful. He is in the percussion section and they sound pretty amazing after only playing for 3 months. They will have another concert in May, and I can't wait to see how good they are then.
Also this week, Brandon got glasses. His right eye is underdeveloped so now he is sporting some new specs and doing eye exercises. He has to wear a patch over his left eye so his right eye can pump itself up. He likes to pretend he's a pirate with his eye patch. He's such a good sport about everything.

Other than looking good this week, we've been trying to keep warm. The temperatures have bottomed out and none of us were really ready for that to happen just yet. And we are gearing up for Thanksgiving. We can't wait to eat some turkey and pumpkin pie and spend some time with family and friends.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


We had a freezing and wet Halloween. But the kids still got all dressed up and walked the neighborhood on a mission to get as much candy as possible before turning into icicles.

Brandon was excited to transform into a very realistic ninja. No glitz or glamor, strictly all black with nun chucks and some daggers. You know, like real live ninjas.
And Nathan wanted to be a sugar skull/day of the dead dude. Brian did his face pain and we pieced together an outfit so he could look as amazing as possible.
After about an hour of trick or treating, they wondered back home, bags loaded with sweet treats to last them a good 4-5 months.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Fall fun

I have the hardest time getting a serious picture if Brandon is in it. He is either crossing his eyes, sticking out his tongue, giving someone bunny ears or just cracking up. And if it isn't him acting goofy, it's Nathan or my dad. So most of my pictures have someone acting like a fool. But that's our family, a bunch of nuts.
The boys and I met up with Nana and Papaw at the apple orchard the other day. We pet and fed the goats, played, ate apple dumplings and rolled the kids down a hill in a tube. The only thing we didn't do at the apple orchard was pick some apples...go figure. It was a great time nonetheless. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Here kitty kitty

 We took the boys to an exotic feline rescue center a couple days ago and were blown away. These beautiful cats come from all over the US and have some amazing stories. Some of the stories are heartbreaking and I wonder how anyone could treat a living creature the way some of these babies were treated. But all of their stories have a happy ending. Now they lounge away their days eating and playing and being loved.

I can guarantee if I worked there I wouldn't have any fingers left and I'm pretty sure my half my face would be gone. It took every ounce of my self control not to stick my fingers through the fence to pet once of these cuties. They look cute and sweet but most of them are 600lbs of wild animal that thinks I look like a juicy pork chop. I'm better off just visiting. And I'll keep my hands to myself!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Learning is so much fun!

 Besides video games and sleeping in late, we had to fit some educational excursions in during fall break. So we headed to the Children's Museum and we got to see the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit. It was beyond words. Can you believe these were the idea of a 13yr old? He had these built to protect over him after he died. Do you know what I was thinking about when I was 13yrs old? Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, or if I was going to get the wave in my bangs high enough. Definitely not anything too deep. Obviously.

So, I'm hoping that taking the kids to see stuff like this, they
turn out so much smarter than me. I'm very thankful they like history and science and learning about different cultures.
We had an amazing time, learned a lot and would go see it again if we had the time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

May the force be with you

Look who we saw hanging out at the library the other day!

Our library is so awesome! 

I know nothing about Star Wars, so I thank my lucky stars for the cool librarians here. They have amazing Star Wars events for the kids. They get as excited as the boys do about the movies and books, and they always have fun crafts for them to try. But this exceeded all of our expectations! These guys not only looked the part, but they talked, walked and spoke the part too. I can't tell you who or what they are but they even impressed me!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Time for a break

  It's fall break time. Two whole weeks of no school, sleeping in late and little adventures.

 We plan on hanging out with daddy, visiting the local children's museum, maybe taking a train ride, going to see some big cats at the exotic feline rescue center near by and taking in a movie or two.

Two whole weeks of fun! Fun, fun, fun!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Keeping busy

We've been keeping pretty busy around here lately. School is going really well for the boys so far. Nathan loves band and actually feels challenged by his classes this year. He isn't going to be able to skate by without studying this year. The teachers expect a lot more from this kids, they are 6th graders after all. Practically adults!
Brandon is doing well too. He just got his midterms today and is exceeding in all areas. His teacher is amazing and he's having so much fun.
We are trying to squeeze every ounce of fun out of the rest of the summer. Hopefully time will slow down a little so we can enjoy a few more ice cream cones and late nights watching the stars shine. The boys are already brain storming about their Halloween costumes and I've heard everything from ninjas to zombies. I'm sure they will change their minds a few times before it's all said and done.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

First day of school

I can't believe I have a 2nd grader and a 6th grader! I don't know where the time went. One day I was rocking a babies in my arms, I blinked and they aren't my babies anymore.  They are 7 and 11 years old. Oh my...

Anyway. Today was the first day of school. Everything went really well. They both love their teachers and can't wait to go back tomorrow. That's always a great sign!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New Kicks

Yesterday my mom, aka Nana, came up to hang out with the boys and me. She took us out to dinner, we hit a couple of stores and bought the kids some new shoes for school. And of course we laughed and giggled. The boys had to show her how much "man" hair they have on their arms and they serenaded us through out the stores. They sing all the time. Everywhere we go. Loudly. And they dance. It's quite entertaining!
Thanks for a fun afternoon Nana! And thanks for their new shoes, they are going to look awesome on their first day of school thanks to you.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Yoda ears, a new stripe and wet noses

All in a days work...

We went to the library for some cool Star Wars crafts. Miss Anna knows her Star Wars stuff and has impressed the boys many times.   A Jedi Master, she is!
We also completed the summer reading program. They were awarded a certificate, a brand spanking new book and a chance to win an awesome prize.

Then we headed to Jiu Jitsu and Nathan earned another stripe on his belt. The next time he ranks up he'll earn a new gray/white belt. He's pretty excited!

Last but not least, we headed back to the library for some snuggle time with some pretty cool pups. This is Titan. He's a 2yr old doberman pincher who loves kisses and his mommy. Who doesn't love wet noses and puppy love?

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Floating down the river

We went canoeing the other day with Brian's brother Joe and his family. The weather was perfect and we had an amazing time.

I would go canoeing everyday if I could. And I think the boys would too. Brian said once a year is good for him. I don't know what he's complaining about. I'm the one that was in a canoe with a 7yr old. Brandon didn't really paddle that much. Nathan did almost decapitate him and Brian by running into a fallen tree, but at least Nathan could paddle. Who needs a head anyway? 

Joe and Lauren hit a rock and tipped their canoe over. They were only in a foot of water though, so no one was hurt. Brian helped them dump the water out then we were on our way. 
I love floating down the river without a care in the world. Unless I see a snake, then that's another story.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fun times

I love the 4th of July! It's probably my favorite holiday. I love the fireworks, cookouts, family fun, and the fireworks. Oh, did I say fireworks already? Fireworks make me so happy! Samson, our 100lb sissy dog, doesn't like fireworks. He tries to curl up as close as he can to me or Brian and shakes like a chihuahua. It's pretty pitiful. His name doesn't fit him, but we love him anyway.
The boys spent the 4th with my parents this year.  They swam, let off fireworks, had a cookout, went to the play ground, swam some more, went for a bike ride, and I'm pretty sure they had way too much junk food. And they came home to me worn out. Exhausted beyond words and ready to do it all over again!

While they were having fun in the sun, I enjoyed some time alone. I grabbed my book, a beer and sat my butt in front of the fire pit until it got too dark to read. Then I sat back at watched the neighbors set off some really good fireworks until Brian got home. I'm ready to do that all over again too!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Summer fun

This afternoon we hung out at the library and played games in their backyard.


There were sack races, relay races, water balloon toss, ring toss, hula hoops and lots of other games.

Here's Brandon taking a spill. I think he was on the ground just as much as he was on his feet! But that's normal.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Black and Blue

Nathan was very excited to get a new GI for his jiu jitsu class. It's all blue but he likes to mix it up and wear his black pants with his blue top. He's a rebel like that.

I just think he looks adorable. But I've been told that adorable is not a word that should be used to describe someone who is in jiu jitsu. He likes to think it makes him look fierce or like a champ.

But I'm the mom and adorable is what I say.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Crazy happy

Ice cream on a hot day makes the boys happy.

Strike a pose and cross your eyes happy.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Happy Birthday!

We may have to sit in the rain watching a bunch of little boys playing baseball tonight, but I'm sure we'll have fun. I'll hold the umbrella for you and even buy you some salty popcorn and a coke to celebrate. Cause I loooooove you mama!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Rainy Summer Day

On a rainy Sunday summer day my boys sleep in, have cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk for breakfast then dress up in multiple layers of clothing and shoot each other with nerf guns.
Because they can.
Lined up in the hallway, dressed in sweatpants, shorts, sweatshirts, jackets, a face mask from a G.I. Joe costume and a toy hockey puck for a "cup," they shot each other over and over.
Different nerf guns, different bullets, different squeals of fun filled our house this morning.
Next we're off to the book store to fill our minds with stories of super heroes saving the world.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Fun in the sun with their best buddy

Nothing beats a hot day like playing in the water with your best four legged buddy. Next on today's list is hitting the local ice cream shop.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Summer is finally here!

These two goofballs are ready for some summer fun. They've got all sorts of plans for this summer. Riding bikes, playing tennis and baseball, canoeing, hiking, amusement parks, fairs, swimming, catching the ice cream truck and sleeping in. Our library has a summer reading program and this year is all about science, so they are really excited about that too. 

They finished the school year with wonderful report cards. Nathan got all A's and one B+. Next year he will be taking all advanced class and he gets to start band. He has plan of continuing with Jiu Jitsu but also trying cross county and track/field. He's going to be one busy 6th grader!
Brandon finish 1st grade strong as well. He's at a 3rd grade reading level and got all advanced marks in all areas. I've got two smart little men! I'm a little proud, if you couldn't tell. :)