Sunday, October 19, 2014

Learning is so much fun!

 Besides video games and sleeping in late, we had to fit some educational excursions in during fall break. So we headed to the Children's Museum and we got to see the Terra Cotta Warriors exhibit. It was beyond words. Can you believe these were the idea of a 13yr old? He had these built to protect over him after he died. Do you know what I was thinking about when I was 13yrs old? Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch, or if I was going to get the wave in my bangs high enough. Definitely not anything too deep. Obviously.

So, I'm hoping that taking the kids to see stuff like this, they
turn out so much smarter than me. I'm very thankful they like history and science and learning about different cultures.
We had an amazing time, learned a lot and would go see it again if we had the time.

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