I love the mountains. I love the smells, sounds, the feel of the crisp air. It's heaven on earth. The boys always have a blast when we go hiking. Brandon skips from rock to rock, Nathan loves to explore every nook and cranny, Brian and I enjoy the quiet and watching the kids enjoy the outdoors. This year we found a cemetery from the late 1800's and the remnants of a cabin with a stone fence zigzagging through the forest. Every time we have taken a trip to the mountains someone has fallen while hiking. The first year Nathan slipped and face planted in the creek, the second time my dad lost his balance while crossing a creek and fell. My mom and I were laughing before he even hit the ground. And this year Brandon didn't technically fall but he dipped his foot in the river while Brian was trying to help him jump from rock to rock. It's probably a good thing we haven't been hiking up a mountain but rather just staying on flat ground. We are a tad bit clumsy in this family!