Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Lunch with Bubba

Today Brandon and I got to have lunch with Nathan at school. Brandon was so excited to pack his Thomas the Train lunch box just like bubba does everyday. All morning this is what I heard from Brandon..."is it time to go eat lunches with Bubba?"
We got to school early and signed in at the office. We walked hand in hand to Nathans classroom. The hall was quiet except for Brandons ohh's and ahh's at all the art work hanging on the walls. Then Nathans teacher let us in the room to stand next to Nathan as they got ready for lunch. Nathan and Brandon hugged like they hadn't seen each other for days instead of just hours and Nathan let Brandon sit in his chair. I wish I would have thought about taking a picture then because Brandon looked like he had just won the lottery. His eyes were just as big as his smile as he sat there looking through Nathans art box. "Bubba! You have big boy scissors!"
Once we got to the lunch room the boys tore into their lunch as Nathan told Brandon the rules of the lunch room. Then Nathan took us on a tour of his classroom. He showed us all his books, the golf balls in a jar that they get when everyone is good (he said they haven't added to the jar for awhile!) and the computers. And since it's so cold outside they don't get to have outdoor recess today but they get to watch Frosty the Snowman.
I know one of these days he isn't going to want his little brother and mommy to come to school to have lunch with him. But today he did. And today Brandon and I enjoyed every single minute.

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