Monday, April 19, 2010

Poopy Post Part 2

Well, it's Nathan and Samson's turn to have this lovely little virus that is going around our household. At 1:17am this morning Nathan decided to paint his walls a lovely shade of vomit.
Brian helped me tie a shirt around my nose and mouth so I couldn't smell anything (otherwise there would have been another mess to clean up) and off I went to scrub the walls, carpet, side of the bed, toys, mattress and throw the sheets, bedspread and blanket into the wash. Brian cleaned up Nathan then got the carpet cleaner out to shampoo Nathan's floor.
Around 3am, Nathan was bundled up in a sleeping bag on the living room floor next to a trash can, I was wrapped up in my favorite quilt on the couch and Brian was as far from us as he could get without leaving the house. The lovely perks of being a parent!
Nathan is feeling better now. His tummy is still upset but for the most part he's ok.
Samson's tummy is upset too but at least he lets me know before he gets sick that he needs to go out. Good puppy! I'll forgive you for breaking my fire pit since you didn't poop on the floor!

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