Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Did you make a resolution or two for the new year? I have some goals that I've set for myself this year, I guess that's the same thing.
I've finally decided to loose my baby weight since Brandon isn't considered a baby anymore. Or I could just rename it toddler weight. We'll see.
And I want to learn something new. I don't know what it is yet, but I want to learn about it.
Maybe it will be how to cook well. I did get a new stove for Christmas, I should put it to good use. Not just burn stuff like I normally do.
Or I could learn a new language. I would like to learn Korean or Spanish or maybe Italian.
Maybe I should start brushing up on my math skills. Nathan will be in 1st grade next year and by then they may start teaching algebra. You never know!
The options are endless. Picking one or two, maybe three, will be the hard part.

These are my hopes for the kids this year...
Keep being kids. Have fun, laugh a lot, and learn as much as you can.

I hope your new year brings you tons of happiness!

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